Criminal Defense Attorneys
Flint, Michigan

(810) 238-0500

Case Results

Our firm routinely obtains acquittals and dismissals for clients in Michigan

To be a great criminal defense lawyer, you can't simply understand the laws and know how the legal system works in a theoretical sense. You need to actually deliver results. You need to successfully defend your clients' rights and consistently secure dismissals and acquittals for the people you represent.

The attorneys at Manley & Manley have built a national reputation through his successful representation of people charged with serious crimes in Michigan. As a Board Certified Criminal Trial Expert, he is the lawyer people turn to when they are confronting extremely challenging and serious legal problems. He was honored to be named to the list of Michigan Super Lawyers. Less than 5 percent of the lawyers in the state are selected as Super Lawyers. He also received a "superb" rating of 10 by Avvo.

Michael P. Manley is a Board-Certified Criminal Trial Expert who has been named to the list of Michigan Super Lawyers. Less than 5 percent of the lawyers in the state are selected as Super Lawyers. He also received a “superb” rating of 10 by Avvo.

Frank J. Manley was named among the Nation’s Top One Percent by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel. He has been listed among the Top 10 Criminal Defense Lawyers in Michigan, the Top 100 OWI Attorneys in the State of Michigan, and the Top 100 Trial Lawyers by the National Trial Lawyers Association.

We know how to build strong legal cases and thoroughly understand Michigan’s legal system. We grew up here, went to college and law school here. We are ready to fight for you!

If you or a loved one has been charged with a crime in Michigan, contact our law firm immediately. We want to meet with you and develop a unique strategy suited to your specific legal issue. Contact us today. Call (810) 238-0500.

Major Acquittals and Dismissals

Some of the biggest cases our law firm has successfully resolved in Michigan include:

  • People v McKay (Murder)
  • People v. Brown (CSC 1st Degree)
  • People v. Rosbourgh (B&E)
  • People v. Sharma (13 Counts of CSC)
  • People v. Hull (Murder)
  • People v. Cummings (Drunk Driving)
  • People v. Osterle (Assault w/i Murder)
  • People v. Proulx (Murder)
  • People v. Skousen (Aggravated Assault)
  • People v. VanPaepeghem (Murder)
  • People v. Hitchcock (B&E)
  • People v. Fisher (10 counts of CSC)
  • People v. Cleaves (CSC)

Each case listed above – and many others we have handled – required a tremendous amount of work. Our lawyers know it’s critically important to take an exhaustive, comprehensive approach when defending a client whose freedom is at stake. From carefully combing through the evidence to reviewing arrest reports and interviewing witnesses, we work tirelessly to uncover the truth and stand up for our clients’ rights.

Other Case Results

No matter the charge, we are committed to delivering the best possible results for our clients. Some examples include:

  • Operating While Intoxicated – Not Guilty: Attorney Scott R. Bigger successfully defended a client in Rochester Hills who was arrested for operating while intoxicated after admitting to having a few drinks. Despite a blood test showing levels above the legal limit, the client performed well on field sobriety tests. Attorney Bigger’s defense strategy led the jury to return a Not Guilty verdict, highlighting our commitment to fighting for our clients, even when prosecutors refuse to offer a resolution.

Results matter – and so does your case. Talk to us today.

There’s a reason why people charged with crimes in Michigan hire Manley & Manley – we consistently win complex cases, the big ones you read about in newspapers and see on television shows like “Dateline,” “20/20” and “The Today Show.”

There’s no substitute for success. Don’t take chances with your future. Take action. Put the power of Manley & Manley to work for you.

Our firm offers ClientCredit, which has partnered with Affirm to allow you to pay your retainer over time.

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